martes, 27 de julio de 2010

Señaladores para libros

Señaladores de libros, gancho de metal (tipo clip) de unos 5 cm. de largo. Con flores tejidas al crochet y botones al tono.

$ 14.-

3 comentarios:

MiA dijo...

THank you for your goodluck-comment :))

Have a nice day!

MiA dijo...

Yes, I have been thinking a lot today about how much work they had in past days to make yarn for knitting. And they also had to cut the wool from the sheep, and wash the wool, and card the wool before they even could start spinning it! Now we can by the fibers already washed and carded, or just buy the yarn ;)


Annemarie's Haakblog dijo...

What a brilliant idea! The flowers are gorgeous.
